AGJV #19
AGJV Coordination, Dixon, Deanna, Dooley, Josh

This is an ongoing project of coordination and communication activities for the joint venture.

AGJV #66
Population Dynamics of Greater Snow Geese:  Demographic and Habitat Monitoring During a Period of Increased Harvest, Gauthier, Gilles; Lefebvre, Josée

AGJV #88.
The Hudson Bay Project:  A Proposal for Continued Research on the Role of Lesser Snow Geese in the Dynamics of Coastal Tundra Ecosystems, Abraham, Ken; Brook, Rod; Ellis-Felege, Susan; Gormezano, Linda; McWilliams, Scott; Mulder, Christa; Rockwell, Robert; Schnaars-Uvino, Kathleen

AGJV #98.
Assessment of Population Dynamics of Lesser Snow and Ross’s Geese at Karrak Lake, Alisauskas, Ray; Kellett, Dana

AGJV #106.         
Arctic Goose Banding Program, Leafloor, James; Baldwin, Frank

AGJV #134.
Evaluation and Improvement of U.S. Goose Harvest Estimates and Lincoln Estimator, Dooley, Josh; Doherty, Paul; Otis, David; White, Gary

AGJV #137.
Carry-over Effects of Migration Strategies on Black Brant Population Dynamics & a Lincoln Approach to Monitoring Abundance, Koons, David; Lindberg, Mark; Sedinger, James

AGJV #138.
Population Dynamics of Sympatrically Breeding Lesser Snow Geese and Black Brant on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, Patil, Vijay; Ruthrauff, Daniel; Hupp, Jerry; Ward, David

AGJV #140.
Determining the Feasibility of a Long-Term Color Banding Program to Quantify Individual Decisions and Population Dynamics of Atlantic Brant, Weegman, Mitch; Leafloor, James; Nichols, Ted; Stiller, Josh

AGJV #143.
Quantifying decision-making by midcontinent white-fronted geese using tracking devices over the annual cycle for holistic conservation planning, Weegman, Mitch; Walters, C.

AGJV #144.
Tracking survival of juvenile emperor geese using digital ID nanotags, Lewis, Tyler; Guttery, Michael; Daniels, Bryan; Welfelt, Jaime

AGJV #145.
Developing a Bayesian model to estimate U.S. goose harvests, Royle, Andy; Augustine, Ben; Fleming, Kathy; Dooley, Josh; Roberts, Anthony

AGJV #147.
Migration phenology and staging areas of Cackling and Canada Geese, Fraser, Kevin; Baldwin, Frank

AGJV #151.
Ascribing the importance of Atlantic brant staging areas, Weegman, Mitch; Carlson, Lindsay

AGJV #152.
Improving Lincoln estimates with indirect recoveries, Breed, Greg; Deane, Cody; Carlson, Lindsay

AGJV #154.
Delineating flyway affiliation during winter of cackling geese breeding on the ACP of Alaska, Latty, Christopher; Ulman, Sadie; Safine, David; Schamber, Jason; Reishus, Brandon; Spragens, Kyle; McGuire, Rebecca; Sands, Joseph; Collins, Dan

AGJV #155.
Assessing the relative contribution of documented versus new colonies to the abundance of snow and Ross’s geese on Arctic breeding areas using advanced telemetry technology, Petrie, Mark; Casazza, Michael; Eadie, John; Yarris, Greg; Skalos, Dan; Brady, Caroline